Tek Hub

An opportunity for technology developers.
Find out more about our global pitch sessions.

Pitch your idea

If you have an innovative idea, concept or design but do not have the required network to further this technology, we would be delighted to discuss it with you.

Advancing Technological Innovation

Hunting’s TEK-HUB seeks to attract innovative individuals and companies to develop technology partnerships. By working in true collaboration, we will bring your innovations to market under license.

Working with the TEK-HUB allows you access to global resources including our state of the art office, manufacturing and testing facilities, as well as access to Hunting’s extensive customer network.

Hunting’s TEK-HUB has the knowledge, expertise and capital to accelerate your proven innovations to market.

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Our process to commercialisation

1. Identify

Screen your technology to assess suitability for TEK-HUB partnership.

2. Evaluate

Verifying technical feasibility and the market potential of the product.

3. Develop

Detailed product planning for all elements of the technology.

4. Commercialise

Production run and product launch to customers

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TEK-HUB Products

Hunting Ezi Shear Seal Valve

Developed in collaboration with Interventek Subsea Engineering, the technology provides a compact, reliable and quick mechanism for the shearing of slickline, wireline and coiled tubing then fully closing to establish isolation or sealing of the wellbore.

Hunting has been awarded the sole license for the new valve, allowing Hunting to expand its pressure control equipment offering and provide reduced operational risk and significant cost savings to the industry.

This product is past Stage 4 of the TEK-HUB process and is fully commercialised, generating revenue under licence in Europe and through the Titan distribution centres in North America.

Sales and Rentals in the North Sea and Norway have been made to key customers such as Altus, Expro, Halliburton, Schlumberger and Archer.

Technical information

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Hunting ‘Organic Enhanced Oil Recovery’ Technology

Marketed in collaboration with Titan Oil Recovery Inc., the technology is a breakthrough in low cost, no capital required oil recovery offering oil operators an advanced, state-of-the-art secondary and tertiary oil recovery technology.

Combining petroleum engineering and breakthrough biotechnology, the process produces more oil, lowers lifting costs and allows the optimization of a field’s potential.

This technology is at Stage 4 of the TEK-HUB process with reservoir treatments planned during the first half of 2018 prior to a full scale roll out in the North Sea and onshore Europe.


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Contact TEK-HUB

Further Information

If you would like to find out more or have any questions on working with Hunting’s TEK-HUB please fill in this form.

Alternatively contact us direct via
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Badentoy Avenue, Badentoy Industrial Estate, Portlethen
Aberdeen AB12 4YB
+44 (0) 1224 787 000